Wisdom Teeth Dentist: Wisdom Tooth Removal Melbourne
Wisdom Teeth Dentist: Wisdom Tooth Removal Melbourne

Wisdom Teeth Dentist: Wisdom Tooth Removal Melbourne

Wisdom Teeth DentistWisdom teeth dentists in Melbourne. Wisdom teeth extraction can be tricky, and more often than not, patients will need to be referred to a specialist wisdom teeth dentist surgeon for extraction.

Greenvale Dental Group offer IN-HOUSE ORAL SURGERY by a visiting oral surgeon. This service allows patients to have their wisdom teeth removed within the comfort of our practice, and without the specialist price tag.

You may need your wisdom teeth dentist to have your wisdom teeth removed if you are experiencing any of the following:

  1. Red and swollen face and/or gums,
  2. Pain and discomfort;
  3. General feeling of being unwell;
  4. Jaw stiffness.

Not everyone will develop their wisdom teeth or experience wisdom teeth issues. Others, will have only one tooth appear, sometimes two, three or all four.

Wisdom teeth facts:

  1. Wisdom teeth effect both the young and the old. Sometimes appearing as early as 16 years of age or as late as 65 years of age;
  2. Wisdom teeth can cause crowding in the mouth;
  3. Wisdom teeth grow in a variety of positions causing other issues to surrounding healthy teeth;
  4. Become impacted due to lack of space in the jaw;
  5. Wisdom teeth can cause inflammation and infection of the gum covering the tooth;
  6. Wisdom teeth are more prone to decay due to their location in the mouth which can make them difficult to clean.

Wisdom teeth pain can be extremely painful, and will not be resolved with a course of antibiotics or home based remedies. Over time, the pain will return and can cause serious issues to the surrounding healthy teeth.

Call wisdom teeth dentists on 9333 6854 to discuss the next stage of your treatment.

Greenvale Dental Group