We get it. Dentists are not the most loved people to visit and probably someone who isn’t on your Christmas card list. It’s easy to forget a dental check-up or only see a dentist in times of extreme need; like a 2am toothache!

The one local dental practice seems to be a thing of the past, with multiple practices available in most suburbs. With this growth, there is also a change of mindset, and the idea of only seeing one regular dentist, is slowly being replaced by ‘whoever is available’ or at the ‘right price.’

Why A regular dentist is as important as a regular GP.

1. Oral Care is important to your overall well-being

Recent studies indicate there is a link between good oral care and a patient’s overall health. Diabetes and cardiovascular disease (heart attack/stroke) are 2 areas that can be compromised with poor oral hygiene. Patients who have a regular dentist will receive a 6-monthly check-up reminder, which can aid in early detection of any other health issues.

2. Continuity of care

A dentist should be seen as a long-term proposition to provide consistency and high level service and treatment. By ‘chopping and changing’ your dentist, you are compromising your oral care and much like a GP, your oral history is paramount in the detection of future issues. A regular dentist will know your past treatment, so you can avoid “starting from scratch’ each time.

3. Avoid the Fear of dentists

Visiting a regular dentist builds report and trust, and overtime this will make your visits to the dentist more relaxed and calm. If you only see a dentist for an emergency, along with the actual pain, you will also be anxious and tense. Build a relationship with a dentist of choice and in the times of critical need, you will find your headspace is in a better place.

4. Are you really saving money?

Dentistry is far more competitive than it has ever been, and with the introduction of corporate practices, its enticing to shop around and seek out a bargain. However, what you might gain financially from a promise of reduced fees, or no out-of-pocket expenses can cost you more in the long run. Treatments such as x-rays are required to aid diagnosis and unless you have them on you, you will be charged every time you visit different practice. X-rays kept on record can also aid the practitioner to any changes and help you avoid unnecessary exposure or costs.

One should also question cheap dental fees. Often these practices use inferior materials, have poorly trained staff or infection control standards. This can lead to the re-do of treatments such as fillings, root canal treatments, dental implant or crowns, which not only hurts the hip pocket, but can also compromise the tooths condition. In cases where a patient has been infected, this could lead to surgery to remedy the situation.

5. When it comes to the BIG stuff, it really matters

Are you prepared to see any dentist for major work? Dentists, like all medical fields, require ongoing training to keep up to date with skill and technology. A patient with a regular dentist is likely to be more comfortable in the practitioners’ capabilities, and therefore, more likely to make an informed choice when it comes to dental procedures. Trust is a vital factor in any personal decision, do not underestimate its importance.

6.Know your environment

It’s easy to be intimidated at the dentist. The fear of the unknown is quite overwhelming and is one of the major reasons why patients avoid the dentist altogether. Patients may be reluctant to ask questions by appearing ‘uneducated,’ or the environment (or dentist) is so overwhelming that vital information is missed through poor concentration. A regular dentist gives you a sense of comfort, allows you to be more focused on your upcoming procedure, and free to ask ‘silly questions’ to put your mind at ease. A regular patient is noticed at a good practice, and the staff will know your ‘quirks’ to assist in making the process as smooth as possible.

Greenvale Dental Group’s philosophy is about forging ongoing relationships with our patients, their friends and family. Our approach to dentistry requires as much input from our patients as it does from our highly-trained practitioners. We encourage questions, we promote patient information, and in that, we hope to build trust. A comfortable patient = happy dentist. We very much welcome new patients, and endeavour that your first visit is not your last.

To book your next appointment, contact our reception on 9333 6854 or book online.